These days, most Jews live in some form of interfaith family. Sometimes the non-Jewish member is a spouse, sometimes a son or daughter-in-law, grandchild, cousin. No matter the configuration of your family, our goal, like yours, is to keep your family strong.
We welcome interfaith couples and families to make Anshe Emet their home. Anshe Emet prides itself on our diverse worship possibilities. We try to meet individuals and families where they are on their Jewish journeys. We recognize that while differing traditions and belief systems sometimes conflict, they can also be a source of strength and joy in interfaith families. We want to help you build strong Jewish homes and lives while embracing the richness that a multicultural family life brings.
We recognize that interfaith families may approach a Conservative synagogue with some trepidation, unsure whether or not their participation will be encouraged, whether or not they will feel like they really belong. Our answer: the more you participate, the more you belong. At Anshe Emet we avoid don’ts when it comes to interfaith families as much as possible and focus on do’s.
Do come worship with us.
Do celebrate the Sabbath and the holidays of the Jewish calendar.
Do give your kids a Jewish education.
Do enjoy the richness of your family, the variety of your beliefs, the wisdom of your customs, and the joy of your love.
Do give us a chance to embrace you.