Your Center for Jewish Life
CONTACT US: (773) 281-1423 |
Whether saying Kaddish or fulfilling your minyan obligation, or even just to pray and commune with God, this is a most welcoming community. Women are welcome to don tefillin, and the Siddur Sim Shalem for Weekdays is used. Daily minyan meets virtually via Zoom Monday-Wednesday, and will be available both in-person and via Zoom on Thursday and Friday in the Bennett Library.
Minyan will be held via Zoom only Monday-Wednesday, and will be hybrid with both in-person and virtual options to attend on Thursday and Friday.
You may also connect via phone by dialing 1-312-626-6799 US (Chicago)
You may be asked to input the Meeting ID: 689 962 027
A Zoom password is required to join. Look to your This Week @Anshe and Shabbat Today emails for the password.
All other federal holidays, when the synagogue office is open, minyan will be at 7AM (Veterans Day, Columbus Day, Presidents Days, MLK Day, Washington’s Birthday).
To make arrangements for a yahrzeit memorial breakfast, please contact Kim Carter at