Your Center for Jewish Life
CONTACT US: (773) 281-1423 |
Families with children ages 8 and under are full participants in the life of Anshe Emet, and have a number of opportunities to socialize and engage in fun activities throughout the year. The Anshe Emet Young Families list serv is a tremendous resource for finding out what is going on at Anshe Emet and in the community, and to use as a great source of free baby stuff and babysitters and nannies and home repair recommendations.
Maxine Handelman is our Young Family Education Manager and can be contacted at / 773-868-5121.
Our programming is open to members and non-members of Anshe Emet—ALL are welcome!
January – May Classes
Join our joyful jbaby class for babies 12 months and younger and their adults. Different instructors delight each Thursday at 10AM.
Classes fill up fast so register today!
Winter Sessions
Little Builders is Anshe Emet’s amazing class for families with 2-3 year-olds! The Winter class will dive into Shabbat and the Jewish values of caring for the world around us.
If your child will be ready for JK in the Fall of 2025, then they are ready for Anshe Emet’s new family class: Fabulous Fours! In its second year, Fabulous Fours engages 4 year-olds and their grown-ups in Jewish values connected to Purim, Passover and the world around us.
Cohort 42
Expectant parents at similar stages of life will gather to socialize, share resources and discuss issues pertaining to being pregnant and preparing for parenthood. This group is open to expectant single moms and couples (LGBTQ couples welcome) who are expecting the birth or adoption of their first baby, in which at least one member of the couple is Jewish. Each session will include a guest speaker and topics will include newborn basics, adjusting to new roles as parents, Jewish baby rituals and creating a Jewish home.
Cohort 42.5
Thursdays (mostly) March 6, March 11 (Tuesday), March 20, March 27, shabbat dinner March 28, for people expecting in April, May and June.
Cohort 43
Tuesdays June 10, 17, 24, July 1, Shabbat dinner June 13 2025 for people expecting July, August and September.
We invite your family to invest in your values and in your journey towards creating a strong Jewish community together.
Memberships for families with children 5 and under who have never been Anshe Emet Members is only $360 and is only applicable for one year at this introductory price.
Contact Hannah Jarvis, Director of Development and Advancement, at 773.868.5143 /
Shalom Shabbat
Families with children 4 and under are invited to join this interactive Shabbat worship experience with Max Handelman every Shabbat morning. Sing, dance, and hear stories as you celebrate Shabbat with your children. We will meet in Rose Crown.
Families with kids in K-2nd grade are invited to join us for this service which incorporates tefillah, stories and music. Children are invited to participate in the service in many ways, including reading Torah in English or Hebrew, and parents and children learn together. We will meet in Rose Crown.
Shabbat HaNoar Families with kids in 3rd-5th grade immerse in this musical service filled with traditional tefillah, music, discussion and learning. We will meet in Reich Room.
An ECE classroom will be open for 18 month-5 year olds, and the youth lounge will be open for kindergarteners and older. There is no fee or registration required for this service. Come enjoy our Shabbat services for families, and grab a little adult time in the Main Sanctuary or Rose Crown Minyan as well!
All of our stories can be found below, or at the Anshe Emet Religious School YouTube Channel.
Hannah the Joyful told by Max Segal Handelman from Anshe Emet’s Community Chanukah Celebration
(based on versions of an ancient tale by Nina Jaffe and Barbara Diamond Goldin)
Jewish stories told by your favorite storytellers: