JK-2nd | $1,150 per child |
3rd – 6th Grade | $1,250 per child |
7th – 8th Grade | $1,150 per child |
Anshe Emet is committed to supporting all children in need of accommodations at our religious school. Please reach out to Mardi Caminer with any questions.
Any family that needs to change their status needs financial assistance or has concerns about returning to an in-person model should reach out to Mardi Caminer, Grodzin Director of Education and Innovation, at mweisberg@ansheemet.org. Together, we will have a confidential conversation and make whatever adjustments are needed. We are committed to ensuring that money NEVER stand in the way of your child’s education.
I have a friend who is interested in enrolling their child for school in the coming year, who should they contact?
Please have them call Mardi Caminer at 773.868.5131. Students are welcome to join us at every grade level and at any point in the school year!
We agree that community is built when people are face to face. It is why we feel so strongly that while we want to have more options and flexibility, Sunday will always remain as an in person learning environment. But Sundays are not the only place where our kids and families will have time together in person. Our Family Days are designed specifically to create and grow relationships between students and families. Our Shabbat services (one for each grade) are all about making and deepening friendships. We strongly encourage families to participate in youth group activities, Shabbat is Awesome (Shabbat afternoon sports and crafts for the whole family) and family programs (like our AMAZING Anshe Emet Community Retreat, email Maxine Handelman at mhandelman@ansheemet.org) to increase those community ties. Anshe Emet has so many opportunities, we hope you take advantage of them.
Keshet is Chicago’s leading Jewish organization working to celebrate and support people with disabilities. Anshe Emet is the only Chicago city synagogue with an official partnership with Keshet to support diverse learners. Keshet works with our team to provide professional development, individualized support for our teachers and our learners, and to consult and advise about how our school can become a model of inclusive learning at its best. We also will make sure that our teaching assistants (madrichim) have training from Keshet, especially if they are working with kids with diverse needs.
Anshe Emet strives to provide authentic experiences rather than simulations. We want each child to attend and participate in lifecycle events (bris/baby naming, conversion, wedding, shiva minyan) rather than simply learning about them. In 3rd-7th grade your student will be invited to be part of the community by playing a role in a life-cycle event for an Anshe Emet member. Our educators seek families who are enthusiastic about opening up their events and homes to our students. This is what being in Jewish community is all about!
Our amazing youth groups offer active opportunities for students of all ages to engage in fun, camp-like activities including sports, outings, retreats, and more! For example, at Shabbat is Awesome (monthly Shabbat afternoon hang-outs for children and families) basketball, soccer, ga-ga, crafts, board games, and more take center stage. Our youth groups go ice skating, play basketball, attend baseball games, and do other fun activities. To learn more contact Hannah Kinsella at hkinsella@ansheemet.org.
The only way to become familiar and comfortable with Jewish prayer is to make it a regular part of your family’s life. We strongly encourage families to regularly attend the many different youth and family prayer services which Anshe Emet offers.
Each student is so different! Every child will work with students at a similar Hebrew level. We meet kids where they are and together move forward! Students who are struggling or soaring will be offered tailor-made approaches to meet their needs.