Shemini | Rabbi Michael Siegel | April 15, 2023
Kedoshim | Rabbi Michael Siegel | April 24, 2021
Love Your Neighbor A man walks into the car store wanting to buy a car. He pays the man at the counter and the salesperson says, “All right, just come back in 10 years to pick one up.” The man replies, “Morning or afternoon?” The dealer says, “Well, 10 years from now, what difference does it Continue Reading »
Emor | Rabbi Michael Siegel | May 12, 2020
In these days of COVID 19 it is important to find reasons to smile; opportunities for laughter. There are certain comedians that make me smile without even having to watch their routines. I just have to hear their names. For me, the Marx Brothers, the antics of Groucho, Harpo, and Chico, rank high on my Continue Reading »
Shemini | Rabbi Michael Siegel | April 18, 2020
Hello Darkness My old friend I’ve come to talk with you again Growing up in the 60s, one of my favorite songs was The Sound of Silence, by Simon and Garfunkel. This song captured the mood of a turbulent generation: the assassination of JFK, the war in Vietnam, and the civil rights movement. It spoke Continue Reading »