Sermons: Bamidbar

Taking an Accounting After the Ceasefire: Who Will Define Us Going Forward?

Naso | Rabbi Michael Siegel | May 22, 2021

Imagine this scene. A slave people, who lived for hundreds of years under the whip and tyranny of Egypt. Stripped of a sense of self, these slaves inhabited a world where they were defined by the Egyptian overlords as something subhuman, abhorrent, no different than a pack animal. Now, miraculously freed from slavery, these same Continue Reading »

Shalom, Not Peace

Naso | Rabbi Michael Siegel | June 6, 2020

Sometime in the 8th Century, a silversmith etched Hebrew letters on a small piece of thin, pounded silver. It was then folded and presumably worn either as jewelry or pinned to the person’s clothing. This tiny sliver of silver contains the earliest example of Hebrew writing in the world today. For those who would deny Continue Reading »