What Gives Me Hope: Insights from Our Rabbis


March 4, 2021 - March 25, 2021    
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Our Sages, Our Teachers, Our Leaders are a fundamental component to living a Jewish life. Historically, the sages as a collective have also given hope to the Jewish people, offered wisdom, and maintained individuals and communities through hardships of persecution, dispersal, and even disease. In these moments of sorrow and fear, in the midst of a global pandemic and political upheaval, join our sages of today. Four contemporary Rabbis from Melton communities around the globe will help us gain insights, pass on wisdom, and sustain our hope.

Runs: March 4 – March 25, 2021
Number of Lessons: 4

Course faculty include: Rabbi Elliott CosgroveRabbi Michael SiegelRabbi Yael Splansky, and Rabbi Elizabeth Hersh

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This course is brought to you by Melton: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

AES members can visit: www.events.org/MeltonLearningSessions and type in code VIP to be able to select Rabbi Siegel’s talk and any of the other talks for this series for free.