Sermons: Bereshit

Vayechi: And He Lived

Vayechi | Rabbi Michael Siegel | January 13, 2025

Vayechi: And He Lived Remembering President Jimmy Carter, Warts and All Rabbi Michael Siegel January 11,  2025 Oliver Cromwell was an English statesman, politician, and soldier, widely regarded as one of the most important figures in British history. When sitting for a portrait by artist Sir Peter Lely, he asked to be depicted with pimples, warts Continue Reading »

In the Blink of an Eye

Bereshit | Rabbi Michael Siegel | October 14, 2023

B’herif Ayin is an ancient phrase that goes all the way back to time of the Bible.  It means in the blink of an eye. The Rabbis use it to describe how quickly things can change.  In an instant everything is different…in the blink of an eye. While many of us did not know the Continue Reading »

Vayechi: The “Immortal” Words of Abraham Joshua Heschel: Thoughts on His 50th Yahrzeit

Vayechi | Rabbi Michael Siegel | January 7, 2023

There is a story told of two friends who had grown old together.  Serious baseball fans, they would discuss games throughout baseball history and argue controversial calls.  One question eluded them, though: Was there baseball in heaven.?  They made a deal with one another.  Whoever would die first would have to come back and tell Continue Reading »

Chayei Sara: The Normalization of Anti-Semitism is No Laughing Matter

Chayei Sarah | Rabbi Michael Siegel | November 19, 2022

The Normalization of Anti-Semitism is No Laughing Matter:  Sermon on Chayei Sara 2022  Anshe Emet Synagogue  Rabbi Michael S. Siegel I remember my first Selichot service at Anshe Emet.  There I was, fresh from the Seminary, wearing my brand-new white robe.  My job was to recite a prayer with the congregation. I left my seat Continue Reading »

Toldot: Changing the Meaning of a Phrase: Acknowledging the Hands of Esau in Our Time

Toldot | Rabbi Michael Siegel | November 6, 2021

Changing the Meaning of a Phrase: Acknowledging the Hands of Esau in Our Time Rabbi Michael S. Siegel: November 6, 2021  It is remarkable how a well-known saying can lose or change its meaning over time. Consider these nursery rhymes that many of us recited to our children: Baa Baa, Black Sheep, have you any wool? Continue Reading »