Elul Programming

Elul marks one month before the High Holy Days!

At Anshe Emet, we have a number of great and insightful programs available to you—something perfect for every age and interest. Scroll through our offerings and sign up today to join us throughout the month of Elul!

Elul Holistic
Healing Class
for Women

Tuesday, September 3 

New Rosh Chodesh Group facilitated by Cantor Rachel Brook!

Join us for an enchanting exploration of the Hebrew month of Elul, a time of introspection, renewal, and deep spiritual connection.

Anshe Emet Synagogue Blood Drive

Thursday, September 5
2PM – 8PM 

Benefiting the people of Chicago today, and ensuring blood for Israel tomorrow. Help your local community while providing Israel with an insurance policy too. Donate blood, if you are able, at out drive with Vitalant and Magen David Adam.

Shrek Shabbat 

Friday, September 6 

Kick off Shrek-tember with YAD for a Shrek themed YAD Shabbat! We will be joining the Anshe Emet community services at 6PM. Our dinner will include Shrek themed drinks and food and we have light discussions about the Jewish connection to Shrek.  

Class with
Jacob Cytryn 

Saturday’s, September 14, 21, & 28

In these one-hour text-based classes, we will explore the halachic and philosophical themes of Sukkot focusing on Lulav, Sukkah, and Simchah.

The Art of the Holidays: Biblical Stories Viewed Through The Lens of Rembrandt

Tuesdays, September 10 & 17

The stories of Abraham and Isaac, Hannah and Samuel, and Jonah are part of our Holy Day experience. Rabbi Siegel will be joined in this exploration by Hannah Vernier, an Amsterdam-based artist and an expert on Rembrandt.  Hannah is also the daughter of former Executive Director, Boni Fine. 

Shofar Blowing Session with
Don Cagen 

Thursday, September 12

Join us for an exciting Shofar Blowing Session led by the master Shofar blower, Don Cagen! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting started, this is a unique opportunity to learn from an expert. Bring your own shofar and come ready to practice.

and Zines

Friday, September 13
4:30PM – 6PM 

Express yourself and your intentions for the upcoming year during the month of Elul by crafting a personal booklet. Jewish Teens (7th – 12th graders) join us before special musical guest, Matthew Check, leads a beautiful Kaballat Shabbat service.


Kabbalat Shabbat
Bluegrass Shabbat

Friday, September 13 

Join us for a special Friday night Bluegrass Shabbat service with special guest, Matthew Check, featuring our AE Youth Choir and members of the AES Community Jam Band.

Community BBQ 

Sunday, September 15

Join us for our annual BBQ to bring in the new year with the AES community. Matthew Check and the AES Community Jam Band will provide rockin’ musical entertainment!

Words to Action

Wednesday, September 18

Please join us as we host teens from Anshe Emet, Anshe Sholom, and Chicago Sinai for a ‘Back to School’ training on addressing anti-Semitism through ADL. The 90-minute training session will include the following: reviewing the definitions of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism, understanding when criticism of Israel turns antisemitic, understanding common Jewish myths and where they came from, responding to key everyday anti-Semitic scenarios, and talking points to counter Jewish stereotyping in everyday conversation. 

Rabbi Vanessa Harper
Challah Bake
and Shabbaton

Thursday, September 19 

Join us for a delightful Shabbaton of baking, learning, and community as we explore the power of challah with renowned Rabbi Vanessa Harper. This unique challah braiding workshop combines creativity with deep spiritual exploration. Spend a Friday evening immersed in inspiring conversation led by Rabbi Harper. Don’t miss this chance to experience the magic of challah and the warmth of community.

Dragons Love Tacos
Young Family
& Youth Service

Friday, September 20

Families with children 0-7 years old: join us for a Dragons Love Tacos-themed Shabbat! Taco-bout an amazing time! 

Snacks & schmoozing
Taco Dinner
Activities for 0-3 year olds
& 4-7 year olds!

Unetaneh Tokef
Post October 7:
Who By Water?

Monday, September 23

What Israeli Eurovision Singer Eden Golan’s “Hurricane”  has to teach us about the way the Rosh Hashanah liturgy rings differently in our ears this High Holy Day season. Rabbi Chankin-Gould and Yair Bernstein will explore the original lyrics of Golan’s masterpiece in conversation with the traditional liturgy, the settings of Yair Rosenblum and Leonard Cohen, and the personal ideas and insights of those who attend this powerful class.  


Thursday, September 26

Healing Service with Rabbi D’ror Chankin-Gould, Cantor Liz Berke.  Renowned special guests Dr. David and Cantor Galit Gottlieb will enhance the service with soul-lifting meditation and music. Join us to seek healing and breath after a year of such woundedness.

Running Into
The New Year:
Reverse Tashlich
with Repair The Sea

Sunday, September 29 

Join us in the month of Elul as we prepare for the new year. Run or walk to the Clock Tower. All are welcome to join us for lunch, followed by reverse tashlich and learning with members of our
clergy team!